Ever tossed and turned for hours and can not fall asleep? Like many of us that trade time zones and switch early bird to late night schedules, falling asleep when you want to doesn't mean your body is going to subscribe to the idea.
Through many trials and tears, I have found the perfect blend of a sleep tonic that is 100% natural without the prescription pills. There's a time and place for those, and should not be a go to solution every time you can't fall asleep.
For a more natural approach, there are 4 key ingredients to my sleep tonic that are meant to be taken in combination at the same time so you can fall asleep better and faster. You can try taking just one per night to see your own sensitivities, but I have seen the most success with these taken together.
The first key ingredient to the sleep tonic is a premium magnesium. Getting a premium source can make or break it's effectiveness, and it's not all the same. Magnesium is good for sleeping because it acts as a muscle relaxant and helps regulate your mood by provoking a calm and chill state of being. The majority of us are deficient in it, so its good to keep in our nightly regime whether falling asleep is easy or not.
Favorite brand: Sanofi (sold at Romanian pharmacies)
This super spice is an anti-inflammatory which can also be used in a daily or nightly practice regardless of sleep behaviors. When we have a hard time falling asleep after being on our feet for extended periods of time or eating foods that trigger bloating or inflammation, taking turmeric as part of the sleep tonic, is only going to make falling asleep easier. Sometimes, if a headache is mild, Turmeric alone can assist. However, the same rule applies here: not all turmeric is the same. Go for the high-grade stuff for max effectiveness.
Favorite brand: Hug Your Life (sold at Croatian organic grocery stores)
No surprise here, right? Not only are the cannabinoids relaxing and anti-anxiety relievers, if you've ever taken some before bed, it helps you doze off super fast. In most countries, this is obtainable at an organic or bio grocery shop. In some cases there are specialty CBD shops that can sell the tincture oils. Its a matter of preference to smoke the flower, take the oil under the tongue, or take CBD pills filled with oil. There's many options. Look out for the percentages. About 10% is a good place to be.
Favorite brand: Sunsoil (from Vermont, USA)
Ok this one is a pill, but its all natural. The brand Source Naturals makes a proprietary blend of ingredients such as Valerian Root, Gaba, Passionflower, Taurine, and more. This pill has changed the game because it makes for a very restful sleep even when in doubt. If I am extremely jet lagged, I take 2 pills but usually 1 does the trick. When I shared it with my friends, they said they have never slept that good before. So I know it works on other people too. You can find them on Amazon or at most natural grocery stores who carry the brand Source Naturals.
Favorite brand: Source Naturals (available in the US and UK)
I've added some good brands available to my US Amazon shop, so you can easily find them.
Have a good rest! ✨